With this app being an asset around the world we provide access to our expert doctors 24/7 for scheduled and or emergency consultations.
how the app
Same-day appointments to treat common illnesses, medical emergencies, and everything in between
Access anytime – day or night – to our in-house physicians via phone, text, or video
Over 2,000 leading specialists on speed dial, so you can skip the waitlist and secure a same-day appointment
A team dedicated to ensuring you get access and help when you need it most – coordinating appointments and continuity of care through any condition
Our in-house, ER-trained and boarded physicians from the nation’s leading hospitals, and our teams are hospitality-trained by the Ritz-Carlton to support your experience
Daily check-ins to ensure you’re getting the care you need with less stress
Advisory medical services and 24/7 support during travel
ER-level lab diagnostics, routine blood work, and rapid testing – all with same-day results
CT, MRI, X-ray, Ultrasound, and EKG to expedite your diagnosis and streamline treatment *may incur additional cost
Anytime access to world-class healthcare services.
Increase Revenue
Provide patients with the trust they are receiving the best care plan.
Charge a premium percentage for a second opinion from an expert
Provide additional specialty care plans with second-opinion advice
Increase visibility of your location with our partnership on the web
Escalate Credibility
WTD affiliates are carefully selected by our world-class doctors
Validate your services with our partnership
With our network of experts you will be able to expand your specialties
Receive our seal of approval with a badge you can place on your website and marketing
Improve Outcomes
Provides proper diagnosis for patients
Gives patient confidence in their care plan
Patient experience with our virtual calls adds professionalism
Convenient and instant access in an emergency situation to our experts
Contact WTD Today For Plans And Pricing Details
Our sales team will reach out to you with-in 48 hours to set up a call to discuss plans available:
our features
Get instant access to WTD at your fingertips and be able to schedule appointments, video chat seamlessly and track patient consults.